Kiura Mine is said to have been developed in the 16th century. The Oka clan managed the mine, and they reportedly presented 500 kin (unit of weight, approximately 300kg) of lead to the Shogunate during the Keichou era. Aside from the lead, tin, copper, and silver were also produced. It was at first entrusted to the private sector, but after the Genroku era, the clan was involved in the management directly. They placed a bugyou (magistrate) and otona, kumigashira, sanmokudai (officers for the management of the mine) underneath to facilitate the mining.
Most of the residents were involved in the mining, and they were paid with rice, where men of age 6 and over were provided 5 gou of rice, and women of the same were paid 4 gou of rice. The veins covered the entire Kiura district, a town structure was established, and they even had a red-light district. There is still ruins of mining shaft called mabu.
Although the mountain was practically closed in 1957, there is still a traditional event called “Sumitsuke Festival” held in February. They hold the festival once every other year, where participants smear some soot on daikon radish and daub at each other. Not just local residents participate in the event. There’s no exception even if you are a tourist or a police officer, everyone will have a black painted face.